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Is your sales ice-cream blurred or clear in a competitive market?

Снимка на автора: Marc de TurckMarc de Turck

Know your three balls of your sales ice-cream, especially the one representing YOU.

Imagine your product being represented by an ice-cream….. The first boll is what YOU give to the client. …. The second boll is what your product or service gives to the client….. The last one is what your company gives to the client.

Now imagine the bolls product and service are unchangeable. … The only variable is what YOU give. Difficult ? Yes it is.

But it is an important question. In a world where products and companies do not differ so much between competitors, YOU make the difference.

Ask yourself the question, imagine a lot of companies sell the same product as you, under the same conditions and with the same quality. What would the client miss if you would not be selling this product but others would ?

And be please specific, no clichés and no-over sales like: “I give total satisfaction”. Keep it simple and stupid and precise.

Also look at what you GIVE not who you are nor what you do. A lot of people say they would give trust. But trust is something you get. Trustworthy is who one is. The end result of being trustworthy would be a good feeling for instance. Do people pay for that? Millions.

Go ahead, see for yourselves, do not invalidate yourselves. You give much more than you might think…..

Here are some things people mention when asked this question: a smile, friendliness, attention, humour, special energy, energy, enthusiastic feeling, feeling of not being alone, ……

Do people pay for the above?

Look at what most people do for a smile of a baby…..

Yes this is not an easy exercise……Welcome on this planet..

A lot of people hide themselves behind their product or company when they sell.

In a heavy competitive market, however, YOU make the difference. So what YOU GIVE is then the most important. Being more yourself is then the natural variable giving success. More important than your product. Of course what your product gives to the customers as well as what your company give are important things. They represent the second and third ice-cream boll of your sales.

And also for the 2 other bolls one has to be specific, simple and without clichés (such as the best quality price). And one indeed has to be specific on what the product and the company GIVE to the client, not what they are.

But if in a heavy competitive market where price and quality are almost similar, one hides himself behind the product and the company, the one who does not hide himself has more chance to get the deal.


Drs Marc De Turck


Marc Julian de Turck - Born on 05 02 1962 Brussels. Master in business economics and bachelor in Philosophy. Licensed European Consultant, Trainer. Ambassador in the Hubbard Management System

Co-Founder of Restaurant the Sky Way, Belgium, Special Fusion Cuisine. Founder of IDEAS Intl, Belgium and of Marc de Turck and Co OOD in Bulgaria. Delivering business training, consulting, coaching. Co-Founder of New Generation Family. Delivering personalized help to families.

At an early age when Marc saw his family members discussing on politics and economics and how bad everything was, he wanted to have his word on how to create a better economic and political world. But being 12, he was not taken seriously.

During the years that followed, all his study and experience went into the direction of consulting, coaching, training in order to make a difference in the economic and political world by his advices. He graduated in business economics and philosophy while in the week-ends working as teacher in mathematics and helping others with personal and business problems.

During his mandatory military service, he consulted the Belgian Gendarmerie in organizational issues and was the youngest Management Consultant to the Chief of Staff.

His experience as consultant in Accenture, a top consulting company, opened the doors to decision takers. In 1990 he wanted, apart from consulting and coaching people also to have experience in a real business. That is why he started the first Asian-European Fusion Cuisine restaurant. This brought him financial success and a lot of contacts with decision takers.

Marc discovered in 1994 the works of L. Ron Hubbard and his unique ideas about management. (see Having studied different management systems he was convinced that this was the most complete and workable management system he had studied. So he jumped into the details of it and a bit later he started his own consulting and training practice in Belgium called IDEAS Intl.

Of course, the challenges as a beginning one-men consultant became clear during the first 3 years. But remaining true to his goals he finally got his break-through on different European Commission Training assignments.

In 2005 he was asked by KPMG-UNISYS to lead a strategic project on modernizing the Bulgarian State Administration. This project included training, consulting, law proposal and IT development. Having ended this project in time and budget he got from the European Ambassador at that time personal congratulations. That is when he founded Marc de Turck and Co in Sofia, Bulgaria who now became the headquarters for the Balkan. From 1995 until today, Marc trained and coached more than 50 000 managers and staff in +/- 30 countries. In Bulgaria +/- 6000 managers and staff.

He is also asked a speaker on different congresses.

Recently, Marc saw that business people have problems to balance private and business life. In order to help the families of business people he co-founded with his wife, Monique De Clerck New Generation Family. Providing training, consulting and help to families.

Marc’s mission is to help entrepreneurs and economic and social leaders to improve their business and private life so that they can create a better economical, social and political world.

Мисията на Фондация в обществена полза “Започни Млад” с ЕИК 206624841 е да насърчава и развива предприемаческата среда и талант в България чрез създаване и поддържане на общности за споделяне на опит и знания. Ние предоставяме структурирана образователна и практична информация, която да подобри осведомеността и уменията на предприемачите, така че те да могат да вземат информирани решения и да подсигурят устойчив и целесъобразен растеж. С цел финансова независимост и устойчивост, освен образователните ни общественополезни дейности, ние предлагаме и обучителни услуги и продукти, както и реклама на подбрани партньори, което да допринася за изпълнението на мисията ни. Всички приходи от стопанската дейност на фондацията отиват за развитие на общественополезните и имат за цел тяхното развитие. Повече за фондацията може да видите на нашата “За нас” страница.


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Добре дошли на уебсайта на Фондация в обществена полза “Започни Млад” с ЕИК 206624841. Фондацията е ЮЛНЦ, регистрирано в България, ЕС и осъществява изцяло дейност в съответствие със своята мисия да насърчава и развива предприемаческата среда и талант. 


Мисията на Фондация “Започни Млад” е да насърчава и развива предприемаческата среда и талант в България чрез създаване и поддържане на общности за споделяне на опит и знания. Ние предоставяме структурирана образователна и практична информация, която да подобри осведомеността и уменията на предприемачите, така че те да могат да вземат информирани решения и да подсигурят устойчив и целесъобразен растеж.

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