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AWS Cloud – Fast access to a working Cloud Service.

Снимка на автора: Явор Златев AdvisionITЯвор Златев AdvisionIT

In the navigation of the world of technology, fast access to cloud services is a crucial step in business development. The team of experts in AdVisionIT is well equipped to help your business grow with the help of Amazon Cloud Services (AWS), smooth onboarding and effective integration.

When bringing a new client into AWS, understanding their business and technology needs and matching them with services that AWS offers is of key importance. Essentially, every project is different and it requires its own approach and time frame. As an AWS advanced tier partner, our team works together with the company to plan well and speed up the onboarding process. We aim to avoid any issues that poor planning can bring. Whether a project is large or small, we have an approach for every size and a standardized cloud migration methodology.

Speedy Onboarding with Our Application & Cloud Integration.

From years of working with new clients, we have discovered a way to smooth out the onboarding experience and the internal DevOps process with a specialized application (we call it integration). With this app, we enable clients to test the AWS Cloud before going for full migration. This saves a lot of time and money for the client because our team is able to adjust the services on a smaller scale based on the requirements of the client. The app is a combination of different processes, allowing the client to set up an AWS cloud in less than 10 minutes and if the client does not want to move forward with that solution, the app can be destroyed again in 10 minutes. This is our way to assist clients very early on, specifically those who may struggle with having a clear vision about the project plans. We use a DevOps methodology and can further develop their Cloud setup starting with automation from day one.


The Variety of Amazon’s Services

Amazon provides a broad range of services, including common ones like virtual machines. With many features and technologies, every client has a different need. We guide and navigate our clients into Amazon's extensive services, focusing on essential aspects such as cybersecurity, performance and availability, to help them make informed decisions.

Keeping It Secure

Security is our top priority. We are a certified cybersecurity provider and at AdvisionIT, we follow strict guidelines and practices during client onboarding, focusing on configurations related to user management and the introduction of monitoring tools, all tailored to the client's needs, budget, and compliance requirements. After integration, we offer comprehensive IT management services. We even support hybrid setups that combine on-premise and cloud environments which are connected together. We practically put together our experience for building efficient cloud environments and our experience for building a secure cloud environment, not just to make it efficient from a cost point of view, but to also make it secure and right for the client.

Offering Full-Stack Service Management

Being an advanced tier partner of Amazon and certified with third-party vendors like Sophos and Acronis, we offer a wide range of services, depending on the client’s business and technological needs, from assessing vulnerabilities to providing complex solutions.

The integration into AWS cloud services requires a tailored approach, blending technology, planning, and adaptability to each client’s unique needs. At AdVisionIT, our goal is to make this process as smooth, secure, and efficient as possible using our experience and specialized tools.

For companies looking to explore the world of AWS with a reliable partner. Contact our team of experts. We are here to bring your vision to life securely and efficiently, guiding you in every step of the way!

Elena Koleva


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